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Collective Worship


What is collective worship like at Pilgrims' Cross?

Our values are taught & encountered through our daily collective worship times. These times are important points in the school day, where everyone has the invitation to join in. Children are not 'made' to worship but are invited to engage, learn, reflect and respond in their own way to what is on offer. Within our school community, children and adults of faith and no faith take part

Our school pattern of collective worship is as follows...

  • Monday: whole school worship, led by the Headteacher
  • Tuesday: class worship
  • Wednesday: whole school worship, led by Reverend Lauren
  • Thursday: class worship
  • Friday: whole school vision celebration worship, where one child from each class receives a Vision Award. The 'Keeper of the Values' trophy is awarded each week to the class that has consistently demonstrated our values throughout the week. 

Structure of Collective Worships