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Special Educational Needs and Disability

Our Vision for Pupils Experiencing SEND

To ensure our school values are achieved by ALL our children, we will work with pupils experiencing SEND and their families to secure the best possible outcomes. Enabling access to all areas of the curriculum through high quality classroom teaching and provision. We strive to ensure that needs, whatever area they may be in, are met with the appropriate support at the right time. This will support our children with SEND to thrive as happy, confident individuals who understand their own strengths and achievements.

Our school SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs Hutchison.

If you would like to speak with Mrs Hutchison or arrange a meeting, she can be contacted via the school office or on email at:

Support For Families

Hampshire's Local Offer

The Local Offer is Hampshire's information hub for families to help find information, support services and activities that can be accessed in their local area. To visit the site click here.

Hampshire SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information Advice & Support Service).

SENDIASS offer impartial support and guidance for families and young people with SEND for further information on the support they offer please click here.

They also have detailed information about EHCPs (Education, Health and Care Plans); from requesting an assessment, to annual reviews and transition. To access their EHCP information directly click here.

Hampshire County Concils SEND pages

Here you will find information from Hampshire County Council on what help may be available for your child and your family. Click here to access.

EHCP Information

Information can be found on Hampshire County Council's site.

Government Publications

The link below will take you to the government publication 'SEND: A guide for parents and carers'.

It is intended to be a guide on the support system for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND).

Further government publications relating to SEND can be found here:


Hampshire Parent Carer Network

A charitable organisation that publishes a monthly newsletter, offers opportunities to meet other parents, access training and opportunities to have your say. 

To visit the website click here.

Autism Hampshire

Autism Hampshire offers information and guidance to families and young people with ASC. Their website has links to further sources of information and support including their local autism directory which offers lists of services and activities.

BRAAIN (Be Ready ADHD ASD Information Network)

Links to a wide range of charities offering support for ASD/ASC, ADHD/ADD and general SEND. There are also links to activities and events (local and national). To visit their home page click here.

Hampshire Gateway Card

The Gateway Card and Gateway Card+ are free and give you access to community activities, play schemes and buddy schemes through the short breaks programme. For further information click here.

Health Guidance

Health for Kids has contact details for the school nurse team the website also offers general health advice and an area with interactive games for children to learn about various areas of their own health and development.

Healthier Together website has been developed in partnership between parents and healthcare professionals from across Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It provides information on a range of health matters, inlcuding common childhood illnesses.

Support for Specific Areas of Need

If you would like more information about ways to support your child in specific areas, please click here. In this section of our website you will find information about specific areas of need as well as signposting and guidance from external agencies such as Primary Behaviour Support and CAMHS.

The four broad ‘areas of need’ are defined as:

Communication and Interaction

Speech, Language and Communication: 

Parents Portal for Speech/Language Link – This site provides a number of games and activities that will help support speech and language development  

Speech and Language Support for Parents and Carers  


Cued Articulation - This is a means by which children can be supported with visual cues to help them correctly make speech sounds. The video link below gives a demonstration of some of these sounds. It may be useful if there  



Cognition and Learning

Some useful visuals, tips and videos to help children with dyslexia as well as those who have general difficulties with reading, writing or spelling.  

Dyslexia Assist 

Dance Mat Typing – a great online game from the BBC which supports children to learn keyboard skills in a fun way. This is helpful for children of all ages who may benefit from developing keyboard skills to provide an alternative to recording through writing, or simply as a fun way to learn a basic computer skill. 

Dance Mat Typing 

White Rose One Minute Maths App – a fun app that helps build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!

White Rose Maths

Phonics - Little Wandle

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

ELSA Resources - There are a number of free resources available from this ELSA website. These may be useful for children who are struggling emotionally during this time. Resources an be easily filtered using the menu on the left hand side of this page as there are many to choose from. 

ELSA Support Free Resources 

NHS children’s mental health webpage (every mind matters) -  It contains a number of strategies for supporting children as well as some indications of children’s behaviours may be communicating. 

NHS - Children's Mental Health 

Accessing Support At Home

The flyer below offers information about the the Wellbeing Service being offered through Primary Behaviour Support. This can be accessed via your GP Surgery.

The is also a document provided by PBS that offers ideas and strategies to support children.

Hampshire CAMHS

CAMHS are able to provide support in a number of ways. If you are concerned about a child then you can find more information here: NHS - Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Below is a self-help resource from CAMHS to support children experiencing anxiety.

Sensory and/or Physical

Obstacle Courses

This link takes you to a video giving information and ideas on how to use obstacle courses to help keep children regulated and entertained:




Hand Gym

This video walk you through creating a set of hand gym activities to help children develop their fine motor skills.




This link takes you to some of the printable resources mentioned in the video.